KIDSTOP Parent/Guardian handbook

This digital handbook is intended to provide information about Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Minnesota’s policies and procedures to the parents and guardians of members. It is not a contract and is subject to revision at any time, without prior notice, by the Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Minnesota.

It is the goal of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Minnesota to continue to provide affordable, quality youth programs in a safe environment. To accomplish this goal, we ask for your commitment to the policies and procedures in this handbook.

All children must be current members of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Minnesota prior to participating in Club programs (KIDSTOP members are automatically members of the Boys & Girls Club).  Enrollment is open to youth in grades K-12.  Participation in the KIDSTOP program is open to children in grades K-6. NOTE: Children may attend KIDSTOP the summer before they attend kindergarten.

The Membership Application/Emergency form must be completed and returned along with the membership fee, prior to attendance. Registration to Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Minnesota’s KIDSTOP program must be completed year. Summer registration is separate from school year registration. Registration for summer and school year become available online at the beginning of February each year.

Boys & Girls Club’s KIDSTOP program staff make every effort to make your child’s membership in club programs fun, safe and constructive. In order to assist staff in helping your child reach their potential, we have asked, on the Membership Application, if your child has had any health conditions, physical or mental disabilities, developmental delays or emotional/behavioral disorders. If you answer yes to these questions, we request that you complete an intake questionnaire. The questions are designed to help us understand and work effectively with your child. The information you provide will be used to assist our staff in their work with your child. You are not required to answer these questions. However, the lack of this information may affect our ability to work with your child.

Administrative office hours  are 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. All Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Minnesota locations will be closed on the following holidays: Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Day, Memorial Day and the Fourth of July.

Before-School KIDSTOP (available and some school locations based on school start times and need)
KIDSTOP opens at 6:30 a.m. and operates until school begins Monday through Friday.

After-School KIDSTOP (school dismissal time until 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday)
The site closes promptly at 6:00 p.m.  A late fee of $20.00 will be added to KIDSTOP fees for every 15 minutes or a fraction thereof after 6:00 p.m.  The fee for picking your child up late twice or more during the summer KIDSTOP session or twice or more during the school year KIDSTOP session must be paid before your child will be allowed to attend KIDSTOP again. In the event that you pick your child up after 6:30 p.m. twice, without notifying the site manager of your emergency situation, the staff will be expected to report the incident to Social Services.

All Day KIDSTOP (Summer KIDSTOP and non-school days; 6:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday)
All Day KIDSTOP programs will be offered on teacher workshop days, conference days and school holidays at selected sites. Registration forms for All Day KIDSTOP are available online on our KIDSTOP page under All Day KIDSTOP Schedules and Registration Forms. Children must be pre-registered and prepaid for these days in order for the Boys & Girls Club to plan adequately.  This is a non-refundable fee.  A $10.00 per day/per child late fee will be added to all registrations received after the deadline.

Processing/Membership Fee (non-refundable)
The Club’s annual membership fee is included in the KIDSTOP processing fee paid at the beginning of each program cycle (i.e. school year and summer). The membership fee allows each child full membership privileges in all Boys & Girls Club programs, including Roosevelt, Eastside and Southside Clubs.

Program Fees (non-refundable)
Program fees are charged for special events, special programs and transportation (i.e. summer camp, cooking club, etc.). Advance payment is required when registering your child(ren) for special programs. Program fees are non-refundable unless the Club cancels the program.
NOTE: See your site manager if you have any questions.

Daily Fees (KIDSTOP fees)
For parents using Easy Pay, fees will be transferred from your bank account every other Thursday for the previous two weeks.

For parents not using Easy Pay, daily fees are due on the first day of attendance of each week at the rate currently established by the Boys & Girls Club.

Failure to pay fees in a timely manner will result in a $10.00 late charge per week and/or suspension from the program. In the event a check or automatic payment is returned to us, a $30.00 service charge will also be assessed.

NOTE: Collection on past due accounts includes calls from administrative staff and involvement of collection agents.

KIDSTOP over-payments on accounts at the end of summer KIDSTOP or at the end of school year KIDSTOP equal to or less than a daily fee will be considered a contribution and used for program supplies unless otherwise specified by the parent.  For balances greater than a daily fee, parents will be given the option of a refund.

Our current computer system allows us to provide attendance and payment statements for tax purposes. Please allow two business days for statement preparation. If you require individual receipts for payments, please notify the program manager.

Receipts will be given for cash payments of $5.00 or more and upon request for all other payments.  Please notify the site manager if you need receipts.

NOTE: The Tax ID number for the Boys & Girls Club is 41-1245177

Family Assistance
It is the intention of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Minnesota to provide services to every child who needs it, regardless of a family’s ability to pay fees. Therefore, we have a KIDSTOP scholarship program available to families who are unable to pay. Parents interested in a KIDSTOP scholarship can pick up a scholarship packet from their KIDSTOP site and complete the application and drop it off at the administration office.

As part of the scholarship process, we ask that you first apply for child care assistance through your county social services. If county social services determines you to be ineligible for county child care assistance or you have a question regarding the scholarship program, please contact the scholarship coordinator at the Boys & Girls Club.

BGCMN App for Scheduling Attendance

Boys & Girls Club has developed the BGCMN App for all families for attendance and scheduling purposes. Please click here for more information about the app. The app is required for all families on a customized schedule.

You will need to decide if you want your child on a fixed schedule or customized schedule.

Fixed Schedule: Your child’s schedule will be set in our system for certain days (Monday thru Friday, Tuesday & Thursday, etc.) You will be charged the afterschool rate for each day your child is set to attend regardless of whether your child actually attends KIDSTOP. If you need to add a day that is not on your fixed schedule there will be an automatic additional $5 fee attached to the daily afterschool rate.
***Please still inform KIDSTOP via email, schedule change book, or voicemail of any schedule changes.

Customized Schedule: Every week you will receive a push notification through the app prompting you to select which days you want your child to attend afterschool for the following week. You will have until Wednesday at 11:59 p.m. to customize your schedule for the following week at no additional charge. You will be charged the afterschool rate for each day your child is set to attend regardless of whether your child actually attends KIDSTOP.
***If the schedule is not updated in time, your child can still attend, but there will be an automatic additional $5 fee per each afterschool attendance.

An unnotified absence fee of $5 will be charged if a child who is scheduled does not attend KIDSTOP and KIDSTOP staff must search for the child and/or contact the parent. This fee will be charged regardless of whether the child is on a fixed or customized schedule.

Please find a listing of phone numbers and email addresses on our KIDSTOP page under Locations to notify your site manager on timely basis.

NOTE: The Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Minnesota has made arrangements to forward calls from the KIDSTOP sites to the Boys & Girls Club administrative office at (320) 252-7616 when our KIDSTOP sites are not in operation. You may also call the administrative office (24 hours a day) to leave a message on the voice mail system. Your message will be forwarded to the correct individual. Or, notify your site by email.

After-School Activities
Please notify the KIDSTOP staff when your child(ren) will be participating in an after-school activity, sports program or will be working with teachers after school. The KIDSTOP staff will need to know the time, days and programs your child(ren) will be attending.

Finally, please make arrangements with your child(ren) regarding what they should do if their after-school program is canceled (i.e. go home or come to KIDSTOP) and inform KIDSTOP of your decision.

Some KIDSTOP members receive additional help from or assist their teachers during KIDSTOP hours. We will assume that you approve of this unless you request otherwise in writing.

Field Trips
Field trips are an important part of KIDSTOP programs. Parents will be notified when a field trip is planned. A parent’s written permission is required before children can participate in any field trip. A sign-up sheet will be available on the KIDSTOP parent table prior to the field trip. If an additional fee is charged for field trips, it must be paid prior to the field trip. Field trip fees are non-refundable.

Weather Related Procedures
Click here for updated information on weather-related procedures.

Dropping Off and Releasing of Children
Children will be released only to their parents or to another adult authorized in advance by the parents on the Membership Application/Emergency form. If a child is to be picked up from KIDSTOP by someone other than a parent or pre-authorized adult, written permission from the parent or guardian noting whom that person is, will be required. That individual will be required to show identification before any children are released.

A parent or authorized person must sign the child out each day. The parent or authorized person is also required to sign children in on all day KIDSTOP days. On all day KIDSTOP days, Boys & Girls Club, is not responsible for your child(ren) until you or an authorized person signs your child(ren) in. If the parent desires, their child(ren) may be allowed to sign themselves in or out on a regular, pre-determined basis. This arrangement must be made in writing to the program manager, clearly stating the time the child(ren) will be allowed to leave KIDSTOP.  Under this arrangement the parent(s) accepts sole responsibility for the safety of the child(ren).

Parent ID Card
To enhance the safety of the KIDSTOP program, we require that you have your KIDSTOP ID card visible (hold it in your hand for all to see) when you enter a KIDSTOP program area.  This includes, but is not limited to, the school that your child attends KIDSTOP (including All Day KIDSTOP), the playground at a KIDSTOP site, or the Boys & Girls Club. Your cooperation in having your ID Card visible will make it obvious to KIDSTOP staff, members, other parents and school staff that you belong in the building. See your program manager to obtain your Parent ID Card.

The KIDSTOP program uses area parks and playgrounds for many of their activities. Please be sure your child(ren) is dressed appropriately for outdoor activities. Please label your child(ren)’s clothing and boots with their name.

KIDSTOP programs are designed to encourage active play. Your child will be involved in physical activities and arts and crafts projects. Your choice of clothing should be appropriate for daily active play.

If you prefer that your child wear dress clothes to school, please send play clothes along with your child for KIDSTOP. The Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Minnesota is not responsible for the loss of or damage to children’s clothing or other personal articles.

Medical Emergency or Illness
If a child becomes ill during a KIDSTOP program, parents will be notified and asked to pick up the child as soon as possible. If your child should receive a minor injury during KIDSTOP, he or she will be given first aid. You will be notified of the type of injury and first aid given when you come to pick up your child.

The Boys & Girls Club does not provide health insurance coverage for its members. All Club members are required to have medical insurance coverage. This coverage MUST be noted on your Membership Application/Emergency form. For those who cannot afford private insurance coverage and are not covered as a part of an employee group, the State of Minnesota offers an economical insurance policy for children. Check with your site manager at your KIDSTOP site for additional information.

In the event of a medical emergency or accident, staff (after attending to the child) will attempt to contact parents or legal guardians. If parent/guardians cannot be contacted, staff will take whatever medical measures are necessary for the care and protection of the child.  By signing the Membership Application/Emergency form, you are giving KIDSTOP/Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Minnesota staff authorization to take emergency measures.

Contagious Illness/Disease and Head Lice
If your child has been ill or has had a contagious disease such as: pink eye, strep, ring worm etc., we are requiring that you obtain a doctor’s note stating that your child has been treated and is okay to return to the program. If your child needs to continue further medication when returning to the program, the KIDSTOP staff can administer the medication.

If your child contracts head lice, see the site manager about treatments.

Administration of Prescription Medication
It is the policy of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Minnesota to limit prescription medications taken by children during KIDSTOP to only those medications that absolutely need to be taken at that time of day. Most of the children who need to take prescription medication will be expected to take their medication outside the school or KIDSTOP environment.

When a child requires medication during program hours as directed by a physician, KIDSTOP staff will administer the prescribed medication only if written instructions and authorization from the parent/guardian are provided on a Request for Staff to Administer Medication form.  Only medication prescribed by a physician will be administered at KIDSTOP.

Prescriptions MUST be current and properly labeled by the supplying pharmacist with the child’s name, name of medication(s), dosage and physician’s name.  All medications will be stored in a safe, appropriate place with access available only to a designated KIDSTOP staff or site manager.

Special Health Needs
If your child has a special health need, a Care Plan (written instructions to provide care for your child’s special health needs) will need to be approved by your physician and reviewed by KIDSTOP staff prior to attendance.

Transportation Arrangements
Transportation of children to and from KIDSTOP/Boys & Girls Club programs is the responsibility of the parents. Transportation during program hours for various activities such as swim lessons is available during the summer, but a separate non-refundable transportation rate is charged.

Methods of Discipline
Our primary method of discipline is to focus on and reward positive behavior. Your child(ren)’s positive behavior is rewarded through star charts, award ceremonies, certificates and praise.

Any reports of abusive behavior by staff or other children are to be reported immediately to both the site manager and to the President/CEO of the Boys & Girls Club at (320) 252-7616.

Cell Phones
Cell Phone usage is not appropriate during any KIDSTOP programs. We ask that your child not bring cell phones into KIDSTOP.

A healthy snack, such as fruit, granola bar or pretzels with milk or juice will be served to KIDSTOP members after school. We participate in the USDA’s Child and Adult Care Food Program and Special Milk Program. If your child has special dietary needs or restrictions, you should submit a special diet statement to alert the KIDSTOP/Boys & Girls Club staff of your child’s special needs.

When attending All Day KIDSTOP, children MUST bring their own lunches, including a beverage. Snack will be provided in the morning and afternoon during All Day KIDSTOP. Please do NOT send energy drinks; they are not allowed in our programs.

Safety is Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Minnesota’s #1 priority. We encourage parents and guardians to view our stance on safety by clicking here. Please contact the administrative office at if you would like to see a copy of our current safety policies.


Civil Rights for USDA Programs

In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.

Program information may be made available in languages other than English. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication to obtain program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language), should contact the responsible state or local agency that administers the program or USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339.

To file a program discrimination complaint, a Complainant should complete a Form AD-3027, USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form which can be obtained online at:, from any USDA office, by calling (866) 632-9992, or by writing a letter addressed to USDA. The letter must contain the complainant’s name, address, telephone number, and a written description of the alleged discriminatory action in sufficient detail to inform the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights (ASCR) about the nature and date of an alleged civil rights violation. The completed AD-3027 form or letter must be submitted to USDA by:

(1) Mail:

U.S. Department of Agriculture
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights
1400 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20250-9410;

(2) Fax: (833)256-1665 or (202) 690-7442; or

(3) Email:

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.