Boys & Girls Club Celebrates Staff with Service to Youth Staff Appreciation Luncheon

We celebrated our mission-driven full-time staff on Wednesday, May 26th with Boys & Girls Club’s Service to Youth Staff Appreciation Luncheon event. Staff were recognized for milestone years of service to the organization and for distinguished service.


Senior Director of Human Resources Tommi Neuman was recognized for 30 years of service to the Boys & Girls Club!

Custodian Mike Burczyk has provided 20 years of service to the Boys & Girls Club.

Westwood & Discovery KIDSTOP Site Manager Fay Smith was recognized for 10 years of service.

Athlos & Talahi KIDSTOP Site Manager Stefan Ahles was recognized for 5 years of service.

Other part-time staff reaching milestones included:

  • Crystal Overboe, 5 years
  • Ayla Reimann, 5 years
  • LaJun Moldaschel, 5 years

Volunteer Betty Schaefer has provided 15 years of service to the Club.


Kristin Johnson, Eastside Senior Site Manager, received the 2021 Kaia Huntington Spirit of Service Award in recognition of her commitment and flexibility to serve youth wherever they needed her throughout the pandemic. This included before- and after-school programming, distance learning, etc. at multiple sites to ensure youth had the support they needed. This is the spirit of service that Kaia inspired in all of us during her tenure at the Club.

