2024 Summer Benefit Vendor Agreement Form





Join us this year to provide sampling at the 2024 Summer Benefit, “Minnesota Nice!” on August 1, 2024 at the River’s Edge Convention Center.  This is Central Minnesota’s favorite event of the season!

Boys & Girls Club will provide all food and beverage samplers with the following: a 10×10 tent with logo signage, 2 8-foot serving tables and linens. We will also provide dinner and dessert plates, napkins and utensils. Typically, beverage samplers bring their own sampling cups. Power will be available for those vendors who need it. Vendors commit to providing samples for 800+ guests, staff their own tent, and bring their own sternos/warming equipment. Vendors may decorate their tent as they wish and provide promotional material to guests as well.

All vendors will be recognized for their commitment on all marketing materials associated with the Boys & Girls Club, including: 3,500+ invitations, 3,500+ reminder post cards, our website www.bgcmn.org/summer-benefit, e-mail marketing to 8,000+ subscribers, Summer Benefit event posters and boosted social media posts/ads on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Your commitment to this event is so greatly appreciated! Your support will enable Boys & Girls Club to continue our mission to do whatever it takes to empower youth to reach their full potential. We provide consistency for our youth, with professional staff who are there to connect with youth to support their social and emotional needs. We provide daily opportunities for youth to stay active and creative – with activities in the gym and outside and high quality arts programs to stimulate creativity. Every day, we provide snacks after school and a hot meal at 5 p.m. You know how critical meals are to a young person’s healthy development.

These are just a few of the many services we provide at the Boys & Girls Club. These great moments add up to build great futures for youth.

Please help us by becoming a food or beverage vendor for this year’s event! You can commit to this event simply by filling out the form below.

2024 Summer Benefit Vendor Agreement Form

  • If you don’t have your menu planned yet, that’s okay! Just let us know when you can. Please let us know if you will need power.