A call for change: Equity & Inclusion

Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Minnesota is committed to advancing cultural equity and inclusion for ALL youth. Now, more than ever, with families, we have a responsibility to provide youth with an environment where they are fully welcomed, respected, and heard. Together, we will listen and take action to ensure that all our children are on track to compete in a global economy, participate in civic life and pursue their dreams.

At Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Minnesota, there is nothing more important than the safety and well-being of our youth and families. Advancing cultural equity and inclusion are essential ways to make Clubs a safe space, and we remain committed to championing opportunities for our young people to grow up healthy, safe and strong.

Our pledge is to continually work with families and our community to provide equitable opportunities and support social justice at the Boys & Girls Club so that our kids, families, and our community have a better tomorrow.

Today, and every day, we stand in peace and unity with the community we serve.


In support of our mission, the Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Minnesota is committed to championing policies, practices and attitudes promoting cultural equity that empower a just, inclusive and equitable organization promoting great futures for the youth we serve.

Cultural equity embodies the values, policies, and practices and attitudes that ensure that all individuals and their cultural heritage —including but not limited to those who have been historically underrepresented based on race/ethnicity, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, gender expression, socioeconomic status, geography, citizenship status, or religion—are valued and represented in the development and implementation of youth programs, the fair financial and supervisory support of staff, and the leadership of the organization.