Submit your artwork to the Fine Arts Exhibit!

We invite all our Virtual Club members to participate in our annual Fine Arts Exhibit! Perhaps you completed an art project as a result of some of our Virtual Club’s arts instruction, or maybe you completed some artwork on your own that you’d like to share. In any case, we would love to accept your artwork in the categories of: multi-colored drawing, monochromatic drawing, watercolor, acrylic/oil, collage, print making, pastel or mixed media. Submissions need to be sent by mail no later than December 31, 2020 for acceptance. All artwork will be on exhibit at Crossroads Shopping Center in St. Cloud, Minn. from January 25 -February 1st. Selected artwork will move on to Boys & Girls Clubs of America’s regional and national exhibits for more recognition!

Mail your artwork to:
Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Minnesota
Attn: Fine Arts Exhibit
345 30th Avenue North
St. Cloud, MN 56303

Include the following information with your submission:

  • Youth’s first and last name
  • Age
  • Mailing address, phone and email
  • Category
  • Title of artwork

If you’d like to be a part of the virtual exhibit only (which will not be eligible for Boys & Girls Club’s of America’s exhibits), email your artwork to:
